Magical Pianist Akira Wakabayashi from TV Producer: Yudai Hirano (FACTORY)

I've always thought that classical music was too beautiful for my wild ears, which have been listening to rock'n'roll ever since I was a kid.
However, when I first heard Akira Wakabayashi's music, I was blown away by the spirit of the sound! It feels like blocks of sound are falling one after another.
This one hurts if you hit it. This is the sound of rock. He completely twisted my sense of classical music. I listened intently to the sounds.
I was astounded by his one-man art of controlling the sound quality and volume with a single fingertip, sometimes violently, sometimes caressingly.

In the first place, I thought that classical music consisted of music scores, learning the patterns, and distributing them.
sorry. There was a complete lack of understanding.
Classical music may be about learning patterns and breaking them.

I was curious and tried listening to the same song played by other people and comparing them, but they were completely different.
Is it possible that the same sheet music is so different? These are the piano sounds I've ever heard.
Is Akira Wakabayashi's sound a piano? It's like my soul is being stabbed,
It felt like someone was grabbing me around the chest and questioning me, ``Are you real?!''
I feel like I'm being hit repeatedly with a percussion instrument, a glove.

Sometimes, like Little Richard, he hits them with a shout,
Sometimes whispering erotically like Elvis,
Sometimes, like Sam Cooke, he is gentle and soothing.
A one-man orchestra that can change freely.

A truly magical pianist.

I can't wait to hear his voice now.

we know. Akira Wakabayashi is the real deal.